Subscription upgrade/downgrade.

  1. Log into your account.
  2. In the bottom-right corner of the screen, you will see your Account button. Click it.*
  3. Click on Subscriptions.
  4. Open the subscription you wish to update.
  5. Click on Change subscription plan.**
  6. Choose your new plan.
  7. Click Save changes.

Upgrades will happen and be billed immediately. A pro rata deduction for the unused portion of your old subscription will be applied to the charge for the new subscription.


Downgrades will happen and be billed after the expiration of your currently ongoing subscription cycle.
Note that after choosing to downgrade, you cannot change plans while you’re waiting for the downgrade to happen. You can change your plan again once the downgrade has happened.


*If you don’t see the Account button in the bottom-right, look for a Profile, My Account or similar button in the navigation menu of the webpage, usually at the top right. From there, the steps should be the same.


**If you don’t see the Change subscription plan button, your subscription is not eligible for upgrade or downgrade.

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